Best Ladies’ Bathrooms on Campus

McMahon Dining Hall

What McMahon Dining Hall’s ladies room really has going for it is its aesthetics. If you ignore all that water on the counters and the excessively creaky stall doors, the place has a certain ambiance. And when hit at the right hour – in between meals or early morning – it’s pretty well kept and clean! On a campus where many dining halls don’t even have bathrooms within them, forcing you to swipe in and out madly as you gorge yourself on cardboard pizza, McMahon exceeds expectations. 6/10

The Bathroom in Rome under South Dining Hall

Speaking of dining halls that don’t have bathrooms, South does pretty well despite its self-imposed setback by providing a pass to allow for easy back-and-forth between the dining hall and the bathroom. Besides that, it usually pretty clean and surprisingly empty. One stall in particular boosts this bathroom’s score as it is a non-handicap stall where the door swings outward – great for easy access when you’re in a hurry to class. 7/10

1st Floor Wilbur Cross

Good old Wilbur earns its spot on this list for its tasteful touches: the wide full-length mirror and endtable with flowers. A great place to stop and pull your skirt out of your stockings between classes! Bonus: the doors on every stall swing outward. 7/10 for traffic.

Handicap Bathrooms in Gentry

No traffic here! Provided you can get into one, there is no more peaceful stop for switching out a tampon than one of the handicap bathrooms on every floor of Gentry. Well-lit, peaceful, and technically gender-free, their only downfall is their frustrating occupancy. 8/10

 Engineering Building

Those female engineers must be as smart as they say because they’ve engineered the perfect bathroom situation! Not to mention that despite UConn’s efforts to get more ladies involved in engineering they are still outnumbered by the boys, leaving their bathroom mostly untrodden. If you’re looking for privacy, cleanliness, and availability, this is it. 9/10

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